Lange Leveringsketen

Long Supply Chain

Sometimes, or rather often, we use terms we've heard without fully understanding their meaning. "Long supply chain" is one of those. It simply refers to the fact that there are "many steps before reaching the consumer." In theory, each link in the chain should add value to the product. However, what often happens is that each step adds only an extra margin—because, after all, everyone needs to make a living.

It may seem logical that with modern techniques and all the resources available, prices should decrease. But for various complex reasons, they continue to rise.

With the rise of online sales, however, it's possible to reach consumers more directly with some effort. This allows for fewer steps, leading to increased freshness and better prices. Another significant advantage is that by maintaining an almost direct relationship with carefully selected growers, we have access to new, updated, and fantastic varieties on an almost daily basis.

No supermarket, florist, or garden center can guarantee this. Of course, each of these businesses strives to offer what they believe their customers want, but they still have to make choices, stock up, and ultimately sell what they have available.

In my case, I do select products I believe will interest you, but since I don’t hold any stock, I offer only fresh products directly from the grower.

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