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Areca Palm (Dypsis) with Viber white - 100cm - Ø21

Areca Palm (Dypsis) with Viber white - 100cm - Ø21

Regular price €62,09 EUR
Regular price Sale price €62,09 EUR
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The golden palm, also known as Areca palm, Dypsis lutescens or Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, is a full, green houseplant with feathery leaves. These leaves are graceful and useful at the same time. The Areca palm is a strong air-purifying houseplant. The golden palm has it all. With its graceful leaves and full growth, it is a radiant appearance in the living room. The Areca palm is part of the Air So Pure label, which means that it is a strong air-purifying houseplant. For example, the Dypsis lutescens is good at filtering all kinds of chemicals from the air, such as benzene and formaldehyde. In addition, this houseplant helps to maintain the humidity; the plant can evaporate large amounts of water. The Areca golden palm originates from the tropics of Madagascar. On this island on the east coast of Africa the climate is tropical. Indoors this houseplant therefore prefers high humidity. Delivered together with a Viber pot. The pot is made of bioplastic with elephant grass from Dutch soil. The pot is biodegradable and naturally colored by chalk. Due to the light natural color this pot fits in different interiors.
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